Impact Beyond Returns
As good stewards, we focus on and we have created strong investment returns for Granite Members. In fact, we have significantly outperformed relevant public market indices and private company benchmarks since the firm’s inception.
At the same time, as good partners, we focus on and we have created outstanding value for the team members employed in and the suppliers who support the companies, for the customers they serve, and for the broader communities that we operate in. Investment returns are necessary but not sufficient for a meaningful mission and an enterprise that is sustainable for 100 years.
We believe in an impact beyond returns.
World-Class Individual and organizational Wellbeing
Enhancing Communities
We work to enhance communities, the local cities and towns that support operations of the Granite Companies. We collaborate with the Minnesota Initiative Foundations, owners with us in the Granite mission, and we measure community progress over time with the Minnesota Compass dashboard.
We work to enhance the health and wellbeing of all employed by the Granite Companies. This commitment is demonstrated by a culture of wellbeing and an ongoing measurement of wellbeing through the HealthPartners Health and Wellbeing Assessment.
We work to enhance the experience of customers of the Granite Companies. This commitment is demonstrated by a culture of providing superior value and service and its ongoing measurement with the Qualtrics research suite.
We work to enhance the value created for Granite Members, those invested in the Granite Funds. This commitment is demonstrated by a culture of value creation and its ongoing measurement with the global valuation firm of Houlihan Lokey.